helen gent
My theme explores the positive impact that comes from a sense of belonging, with a focus on the primitive comfort and environment provided by the female womb and pelvis.
I enjoy working with materials connected with the theme such as knitted wool, vines, feathers and modrock, to reflect the strength, support and protection provided by the female anatomy.
Collaborative project work diverted the theme to examine belonging to abusive relationships, gaslighting and femicide. Exploring attraction to gaslight situations and phrases ‘like moths to a flame’, I worked with connected materials including eggshells and bandages. Research into the difficulties in identifying the potential for relationships to be healthy or abusive, gender based violence and femicide statistics are the basis of further fabric, digital and collage based artworks. Research included the Femicide Census and Counting Dead Women, the silenced pandemic of the biggest killer of women age 18-44 worldwide and media silence of victims identities, justifying the murders as acts of passion/ jealousy/red mist crimes, deflecting from realities of controlled and planned acts of violence as detailed on the 8 steps always present in femicide images.
I am excited to start a Masters in Medical Visualisation and Human Anatomy at Glasgow School of Art to combine creative skills with NHS midwifery experience and study 3D modelling to illustrate female anatomy in pregnancy.