abby robertson
This year I have been looking at memory, and how this is important to who we are as people. I started off by exploring the ways that we are made up by lots of different parts of the people around us and how we often feel the need to hold onto these things.
I am interested by our tendency to try to preserve parts or times in our lives, this led onto me thinking about what happens when we are inevitably unable to do this, and the feelings of loss, grief and absence that come with that realisation.
Towards the end of the course, my theme has concluded as memory and grief, as I have tried to communicate the stages of losing someone close to you and the feelings of wanting to hold on, but also the ways in which we are forced to find acceptance as time goes on either way.
Words that I feel I consistently use throughout my work are things like, preservation (of the past), nostalgia, loss, memory, and identity.
I really enjoy using found objects in my work and using things that I have either collected from my own life, or that I find remind me of similar things from my childhood as working with them feels a lot more personal. I also really like using collage a lot and make use of a lot of either my own, or family photos.
I have received offers from Fine Art - Environmental Art/Sculpture at Glasgow School of Art, Fine Art at Edinburgh College of Art, Art & Design (General Foundation) at Duncan and Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Painting at Gray’s School of Art, and Contemporary Art Practices at Gray’s School of Art.
I have chosen to go to Contemporary Art Practice at Robert Gordon University.