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ethan swinley

My work explores the relationship between humans and nature, specifically the interactions and power dynamics between people and animals. My focus has largely been on creating and highlighting parallels between humans and animals, especially when concepts like social rules and pressures. This focus has remained the same at its core, but the specific subject my focus has shifted to is what it means to be a human, person and a member of human society. This subject becomes much less simple when ideas surrounding artificial intelligence are involved and questions are raised about consciousness and rights. I find myself drawn to digital media in order to create artworks, in part because I enjoy using editing software and because it feels like a natural way to enhance my recorded performances but also because the use of editing and AI software has created new ways of working digitally for me, as well as seeming relevant to the themes of nature and technology. 


I received offers from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Gray’s School of Art, University of Edinburgh and Glasgow School of Art. I have chosen to attend Contemporary Art Practice at Gray’s School of Art. 

Digital Collage series

Advert series

analogue Collage series


animal in captivity



phone mix

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